REWET has been featured in the SERNews magazine. Download it here.

Great news, wetland enthusiasts!
The Restoration Ecology and Wetlands (REWET) initiative is catching the attention of influential voices in the field of ecological restoration. REWET has recently been featured in the latest issue of the SERestoration magazine, and we couldn't be more thrilled about it!
In this insightful article, REWET takes centre stage as it introduces readers to the open labs, the heart and soul of the initiative, acting as hubs for collaborative research and practical restoration efforts. Each of these open labs brings together passionate individuals and organizations committed to the preservation and restoration of our precious wetlands.
The article also provides a glimpse into the restoration activities undertaken by REWET. Using existing and new strategies to implement wetland restoration that maximizes carbon sequestration while providing biodiversity and other ecological and human health and well-being benefits, researchers are coming together to make a positive impact on our environment.
If you are you a member of the Society for Ecological Restoration, you can dive deep into this enriching article by following the link below and downloading your very own copy of the magazine.
Download the article if you are a SER member or read it on Zenodo.